Presenter information

The session halls have a lap top, data projector, screen and microphone for your presentation. Bring your PowerPoint (ppt) presentation to the conference on a flash drive (USB) and deliver it to the session hall at the latest during the coffee/lunch break prior to your presentation. Upload your presentation to your session folder at the desktop of the presentation computer. Assistance will be available.

To view the floor plans of the venues, click HERE


The maximum size for a poster is A0 Portrait (118,9 cm high and 84,1 cm wide) and the posters will be attached to poster boards with pins (supplied by the organizers). 

Each poster will be assigned to one day of the conference. Poster presenters are expected to hang their posters before 9 AM of their allocated day. There will be allocated times each day (Mon-Thu) where the Poster presenters are expected to be by their posters and be available to discuss their work with the audience. The posters will then remain in the exhibition boards until the end of the day, when presenters are expected to take them down. Please be advised that if your poster is not removed at the end of the session, it will be taken down and disposed of. 

Please check your poster board number from the lists available at the poster area to make sure you hang your poster on the correct poster board. Note that your poster board number is not the same as your poster number.


PowerPoint template

If you wish to use a ISME 2024 PowerPoint template in your presentation, there are several options available and you can download them via this link. Please note that using the template is not obligatory.

Individual Paper Presentations

Individual paper presentations will be allocated to a 2 hour session throughout the program. Each speaker will have 20 minutes to present with a further 5 minutes for questions or a brief discussion. Chairs will be advised to be strict with time-keeping to ensure everyone has their allocated time. We recommend presenters rehearse and time their presentation ahead of the conference to ensure their time does not exceed 20 minutes. There is a 10 minute break between each 2 hour session and we recommend you arrive early to load your presentation.

Roundtable Paper Presentations

Roundtable paper presentations have been grouped by the Scientific Committee into sessions with up to eight papers, clustered around shared interests. Each roundtable session will have a designated chair to facilitate discussion and participation.

Each roundtable of up to 8 papers will be scheduled for a 2 hour session. Each presenter will have approximately 10 minutes to present their paper followed by an extended period for discussion. NOTE! The roundtable format now allows Power Point presentations (lap top, data projector, screen and microphone will be available in the session hall). 


Symposia will be allocated to 90 minute sessions, consisting of presentations and discussions according to the decisions of the convenor. 


Workshops will have designated time-slots, normally a maximum of 60 minutes, consisting of no more than 45 minutes for the Workshop and 10 minutes for the discussion/questions. Presenters should be at the room early to set-up and should ensure they start and finish their sessions promptly. The conference organizers will try to accommodate the special requirements you have provided when submitting, if any. Please note that no new equipment requests can be accepted. 

General Information

The session halls have free internet access but in case you have videos or audio, it is advisable that these are embedded in the presentation. We strongly advise that you upload and test your presentation well before your slot in the program. In case you want to present from your own computer, please note that you should bring your own adapter/cables (Mac users especially) and test it ahead of your presentation.

General tips for effective presentations:

  1. Title font size should be 35– 45 points – make sure each slide has one. 
  2. Use 24 point fonts or larger for body copy.
  3. Do not over use bold, italic and all capital letters, italics can be hard to read.
  4. Make sure charts stand on their own and can be understood.
  5. As a guide: 6 words per bullet, 6 bullets /lines per slide.
  6. If you have more than four rows or four columns in a table, it will be difficult to read.
  7. Keep the colour scheme the same throughout the presentation.
  8. Include graphics to give readers a break from all the text.
  9. Keep fonts, bullets, colour, and graphics consistent in the presentation.
  10. As a guide, approximately 1 slide per minute of presentation should be the aim.

ISME asks that presenters respect that the World Conference is an academic event. ISME requests that all presenters refrain from "suitcasing" (making unsolicited representations to delegates in the conference venues) or treating presentations primarily as sales events for their books or products.